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Yukon North of Ordinary: Eagle's Eye View

Written by Rhiannon Russell for Yukon North of Ordinary

Whitehorse, Yukon

Published May 1, 2024

The Haeckel Hill-Thay T’äw Wind Energy Project is featured in the May 2024 issue of Yukon North of Ordinary, the official inflight magazine of Air North.

The article explores the evolution of wind energy on Haeckel Hill, leading up to Eagle Hill Energy LP's innovative 4.0 MW wind turbine project, and addresses the unique challenges of deploying wind energy technology in northern climates. Now operational, the new turbines will provide essential renewable energy to the Yukon Grid during the peak winter demand, contributing to a reliable power supply when Yukoners need it most.

Read the full article below or download a PDF version here. Subscribe to Yukon North of Ordinary's quarterly magazine here, or pick up a copy on your next Air North flight from May to August 2024.

About Eagle Hill Energy Limited Partnership 

Eagle Hill Energy Limited Partnership (EHELP) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chu Níikwän Limited Partnership (CNLP), the business arm of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) Government. EHELP owns and operates the Haeckel Hill-Thay T’äw Wind Energy Project. As one of Yukon’s Independent Power Producers, EHELP sells all renewable electricity generated from the project to Yukon Energy under a 25-year Electricity Purchase Agreement (EPA).


For more information about the Haeckel Hill-Thay T’äw Wind Energy Project and Eagle Hill Energy LP, please visit the project website:


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